Fast, quality care for urgent and chronic health issues, also available outside working hours and on Saturdays
It is very important for pregnant women that they find the most suitable gynaecologist or midwife to monitor them and the fetus throughout the pregnancy.
In Valvekliinikus, we offer a caring and safe environment with the best diagnostic options. Your pregnancy is monitored by a gynaecologist, who will perform a fetal ultrasound during your every visit along with other regular procedures and tests.
During the first visit, the gynaecologist will consult and give an overview of the Valvekliinik options for pregnancy monitoring and which tests and screenings are necessary during the pregnancy.
You are welcome to monitor your pregnancy in Valvekliinik throughout your pregnancy and you also have the option to monitor your pregnancy by trimester. We have created three packages that include necessary examinations and tests based on the size of the pregnancy.
Pregnancy registering package
We recommend coming to a gynaecologist to register your pregnancy around 6-9 weeks of gestation.
The pregnancy registering package includes an appointment with a gynaecologist, vaginal ultrasound examination, blood and urine analysis.
During the first visit, the gynaecologist will assess your health, will consult and advise you about the pregnancy monitoring available in Valvekliinik, and will perform a vaginal ultrasound examination. During that ultrasound, the doctor will assess the size of the pregnancy, viability, number of fetuses, and the state of the ovaries.
We will test you for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B. We will also determine the blood type, haemoglobin level, blood sugar level and rhesus factor.
A urine test examines the presence of glucose, protein, leukocytes and bacteria and we perform a urine culture to rule out urinary tract infections.
Pregnancy second trimester package
The best time to perform the second-trimester screenings is between 19 and 21 weeks of gestation.
The pregnancy second-trimester package includes an appointment with a gynaecologist, fetal anatomy ultrasound screening, blood and urine analysis.
During the gynaecologist appointment, we assess the weight, presence of swelling, check the blood pressure, fundal height, pregnancy risks, and consult regarding any questions or complaints.
During the fetal anatomy screening, we assess the development of the fetus, the fetal heart rate, the location and structure of the placenta, and umbilical cord attachment to the placenta. We also assess the length of the pregnancy, adjust the due date, if needed. If the parent(s) wish, we check the sex of the baby.
Pregnancy third trimester package
The best time to perform the third-trimester screenings is between 30 and 36 weeks of gestation.
The third-trimester package includes an appointment with a gynaecologist, third-trimester ultrasound screening, blood and urine analysis.
During the gynaecologist appointment, we consult regarding any questions and complaints. We assess your weight and swelling, measure blood pressure and fundal height. We take samples for HIV test and measure the haemoglobin levels, determine the blood group and rhesus factor.
The third-trimester ultrasound screening is used to assess the approximate weight of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid, the location of the placenta, the well-being of the fetus, the posture and position of the fetus, and visualize any structural anomalies of the fetus.