Internal Medicine Specialist: Dr. Maria Pintsaar

Dr. Maria Pintsaar completed her residency in internal medicine in 2021. As a specialist in internal medicine, she is equipped to assist patients with a wide range of health issues, offering versatile and personalized medical care.

Dr. Pintsaar primarily focuses on cardiovascular diseases and their prevention. These conditions, including coronary artery disease, hypertension, heart failure, and atherosclerosis, are often influenced by lifestyle factors such as diet, physical activity, smoking, and stress. Dr. Pintsaar is dedicated to preventing these diseases by providing both counseling and treatment, which help reduce the risk of developing these conditions and slow their progression.

With her patient-centered approach and extensive knowledge, Dr. Pintsaar is a highly regarded specialist who delivers the best possible care. Additionally, she collaborates closely with physicians from other specialties to ensure comprehensive and effective treatment plans.

maria pintsaar